Monday, January 18, 2010

I never used livejournal.

So, after four years of using Livejournal (if Simon is reading that, that is a total lie) I'm changing to blogspot. Mostly because I can click a button that says Adult Content, partly because people judge me when I admit to a livejournal addiction. Fuck it, I judge myself. But in my defence, livejournal lets me make it look sexy.

Anyway, with a recent move to Thailand/England/WhereeverIendup and people hounding me for future updates it seems only right to make some form of a blog.

Who knows, maybe I'll take up stalking female tourists in the area so that you can all admire them long distance. We can make it a game. I'll take the photos, you guys can rate them. Preferably with number cards. And photos of you and your ratings. I don't really care. Whatever you're into.

Thailand by Saturday. Photos in the near future. If I can find a computer.



  1. *stalks*

    And *follows*


    I love you. <3

  2. This is good. I will stalk you here. Really. It should be known that I'm terrible at remembering to comment on things. I apologize in advance. Lovely to be able to read your bloginess again.

